Healthcare Allergy Reconciliation History

Data Dictionary

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
AllergyReconHisID Allergy Reconciliation History ID The unique identifier for each allergy reconciliation history record.
AllergyHisID Allergy History ID The unique identifier referencing a specific allergy history event.
DateRecon Date Reconciled The date on which the allergy information was reconciled.
SourceID Source ID The identifier for the source from which allergy data was obtained or reconciled.
PrvID Provider ID The identifier for the healthcare provider who performed the reconciliation.
PtEncID Patient Encounter ID The unique identifier for the patient encounter during which the allergy reconciliation was performed.
PtID Patient ID The identifier of the patient whose allergy information is being reconciled.
Reason Reconciliation Reason The reason why the allergy reconciliation was performed.
ReconActionID Reconciliation Action ID The identifier for the specific action taken during the reconciliation process.
ReconTypeID Reconciliation Type ID The identifier for the type of reconciliation conducted (e.g., medication, allergy update).
ZUChkSum Audit Log Checksum A checksum value used for audit logs to ensure data integrity.
ZUDate Audit Log Date The date when the entry was logged for auditing purposes.
ZULogonHisID Audit Logon History ID The identifier for the history log entry of the user who accessed or modified the allergy reconciliation record.
AllergyName Allergy Name The name of the allergy that is documented in the reconciliation history.
SourceName Source Name The name of the source providing the allergy information, such as a previous healthcare provider or a patient-reported source.